I know I've been lacking... However, this crumby weather in NYC leaves me in need of a little cheering up! So, what's better than an absolute hottie on a gray, uninspiring day?
My family has ALWAYS been obsessed with golf. From as young as I can remember, every holiday, my grandpa, uncles and my dad would sit planted in front of the television [until the mama's let 'em!] and would watch, discuss, and critique golf matches. I never really saw the appeal - kinda boring, very slow... but recently I've struck up an interest due to these 2 gorgeous blonde golfers: Adam Scott and Michael Sim... Maybe, I'll track one of them down and fall madly in love - the family would love it!!
Okay, having a cup of coffee and then lots to do today; going out to Park Slope to see an apartment after brunch with my bestest friend Brielle Lax and then leaving tomorrow for the Adirondack Mountains - Rain, Rain go away!! ENJOY! XOXO